School 38

This unforgettable twelve years in the extraordinary "boarding." This is the place of snot-nosed first-graders did an adult, self-confident, motivated person. It was at this school, I had the opportunity to try all possible roles, and make an independent choice of what to become in this life. Many thanks to all who accompanied the first class to earn a diplom's.

Boarding school № 38 was founded in 1951 as paid training school for blind children. Pedagogical team worked under the motto "In step with the sighted"

Currently, the school has 150 visually impaired pupils. 82 staff schools are working to create a comfortable, inviting atmosphere of the school, seeking to reveal the individuality of each student to help your child learn and create themselves.

Государственное образовательное учреждение Ростовской области специальное (коррекционное) образовательное учреждение для обучающихся, воспитанников с ограниченными возможностями здоровья специальная (коррекционная) общеобразовательная школа-интернат IV вида № 38 г. Ростова-на-Дону.